Daily clothing washing tips

Sometimes in daily life can not avoid the clothes will run into some oil stains, stains, etc. This allows us a headache, sometimes new clothes, do not care to dirty, and how to wash also wash, the following is learning Xiaobian for everyone to organize daily washing clothes tips for your reference!

Daily clothing washing tips

1, clothes, blood stains, cold water can be washed, first clothes dip salt water, then soap and water. Or white radish with salt, squeeze the juice after scrub.

2, the clothes sticky plaster sticky, may have gasoline, kerosene brush clear, or scrub with alcohol, after rinsing with water.

3, tie stained with dirt, can not be washed only dry cleaning, so as not to tie fade loss of stiff feeling.

       4, suit stained with grease, dirt, scrub gasoline can be used, scrubbing surface area should be increased, wipe clean grease, with a dry towel or dry cloth, the traces of gasoline left dry, ironing.

5, ironing suits, pay attention to control the ironing temperature, observe the suit ironing surface temperature, the iron should be kept moving, so as to avoid hot yellow, hot coke fabric.

6, white shirt yellow, Taomi water immersion can be used to get rid of stagnant white salt in the calcium salt.

7, cooked food oil stains can be soaked with salt water, then soap scrub, wash away stains.

8, clothing stained soy sauce stains, to immediately rub with cold water, and then wash the soap wash; or by adding appropriate amount of ammonia, scrub wash away.

9, clothing stained with ink stains, a spoonful of rice and rice can be used to add a little salt on the ink stains Department, so that rice gruel or rice after the suction ink wash, but also toothpaste decontamination.

Clothing function

Health care

Clothing can protect the human body, maintaining the body's heat balance to adapt to the impact of climate change. Clothing in the dress to make people feel comfortable, the main factors affecting the comfort of the material used in the fiber properties, yarn size, fabric structure, thickness and sewing technology.


The beginning of the clothing mainly to modesty for the purpose, after the development of the time turned to the functional (practical) and then pay more attention to the appearance of clothing, to meet people's spiritual beauty to enjoy. The main factors affecting the aesthetics of the texture of textiles, color, pattern, fabric organization, shape retention, drape, elasticity, crease resistance, clothing styles.

Industrial applications

Anti-static clothing is to prevent the accumulation of static clothing, with anti-static fabrics for the fabric and sewn for static-sensitive places or fire or explosion hazardous places to wear. Antistatic fabric used in the production process is mainly in the textile, roughly evenly or evenly mixed with all or part of the use of metal or organic conductive material made of anti-static fiber or anti-static synthetic fiber, or a mixture of the two interwoven .

People wear clothing for functional and / or social reasons.

Clothing can protect the body, but also can convey social information to other people.

Clothing functions to protect the body against intense sun exposure, extreme heat and cold, clashes, mosquitoes, toxic chemicals, weapons, and contact with rough material - in short, against anything that could harm an unprotected human body thing. Humans have shown a high degree of creativity in designing clothing to solve certain practical problems.